Sunday, October 6, 2013

Weekend Update

I feel that my weekend was time well spent in Cuenca. Even though I have this weird stomach bug thing, but hopefully that'll just go away on its own.

Saturday morning was spent teaching my Saturday 201 class. I had two chatty boys, so I teased them by asking them if they were flirting with each other, since this week's topic was "Love." I had my students write cute little love stories for me. Hahaha, cruel and unusual punishment, maybe. I felt a little icky in the stomach while teaching, but I felt better by the end of class. I met up with some other teachers/friends for lunch. On the way there, we passed a woman washing her clothes in the river and a display tram car. Cuenca is getting a new tram railway system, and it's becoming the talk of the town (at least among gringos.) I think a tram system for Cuenca is a good development, but not at the cost of hurting farmers and people who depend on the land for their income and food. But I suppose there's no turning back on this project now; French workers have moved into Cuenca to begin construction.

My friends and I lunched at Good Affinity, a vegetarian restaurant near my one friend's apartment. I heard good things about Good Affinity, and I am now a believer. It's fabulous, and all veggie-friendly. They give you generous portions for a decent price...empanadas verdes, bok choy, veggie spring rolls, soy, peppers, cauliflour, soup, soy milk, juice, and more round out the's Asian-fusion food. And the atmosphere is very chill, relaxing, and gave me good vibes. I'll be back. I got a decent lunch for $2.50.

After lunch, we headed to my friend's apartment, since she's finally settled in. She's living in "Gringolandia" where many expats live, so prices are pretty hiked up there. It's easy to see that her neighborhood is a bit more bucks-up than the city center. Her apartment is very nice, and she's next to the river, so the sound of rushing water is quite peaceful. We all spent some time chatting at her place before heading to the SUPERMAXI (for gringos and rich Ecuadorians) where I got my discount card, although I don't really buy much there (I prefer the local mercados and panaderias.)

After that, I went back home, where I proceeded to feel icky again til I went to bed. Womp. Sunday, I felt on-and-off all day (right now, I'm good.) I went for a bike ride in the morning, as is my daily grind, and I stumbled upon the Mall del Rio (where the really rich Ecuadorians go.) I didn't go in, since it was about 8:30am, but the place looks huge, and at least now I know I can bike there. I also found a really cool park, which I think is Parque Paraiso (Paradise Park!) and it had lots of paths and trails for running, jogging, walking, or biking, and it also had lots of playground equipment. A zipline! I think I found a route I can stick with! It runs alongside the river, which is also fun!

After that, I met up with some language exchange partners. A female studying English who is originally from Peru, and a guy studying English while working in Systems Engineering who is from Guayaquil, Ecuador. They were both really cool and we hit it off; we'll be meeting up again soon. The guy told me about a Venezuelan place that serves Venezuelan arepas...oh my gosh, I need to check that out! Might be where our next meet-up is!

Later that day, I went home to clean up my bike because it's gross and my housemate (a.k.a. "bike lifesaver") helped me out a lot. It took well over an hour to semi-clean up my chain and all that other stuff that I didn't know the names train, now it's lubed up and hopefully satisfactory. "A" for effort?

The rest of my Sunday is feeling chill (that has been the feeling all weekend, and for that I am extremely grateful.) I am lesson-planned for all of October, and I am getting into the next novel I'm reading (Girl With the Dragon Tattoo) even though it took me 100 or so pages to get into it. I Skyped with my dad yesterday and today, and he's well. My grandmother is doing better and has been moved to a Rehabilitation Center, which is reassuring. He'll visit her this week, and hopefully I can Skype with her as well. Last night, my dad showed me his Halloween display, and I am missing Halloween a lot! But, my language partner who attends the University of Cuenca told me about a Halloween fiesta the English students are going to have, and it sounds like fun! So tonight, I relax, I thank The Great Mystery, and I pray that my ick has gone away!

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