Sunday, October 20, 2013

Untitled Due to my Loss for Words

I couldn't think of an apt title for this blog post because it's such a flurry of Life, that words couldn't describe it. In short: I feel on top of the world.

This week, I gave my students their Mid-Term exam, and as I am in the process of grading them, I can't give the final word on how it went, but so far, so good! Can I just say that being on the opposite side of grades is weird. I had yet another one of those 'pinch myself'moments while I was grading Mid-Terms. It's just creepy.

This week also marked the departure of the coordinator at one of my teaching locations. Maria Augusta will be greatly missed; she was such a pleasure to see every day when I arrived to school. She handled everything that I and my fellow teachers needed, school-related or not. One of the teachers made her a cake and we all shared hugs. It was bittersweet.

In other teaching news, I have picked up an Intensive clas for the last 5 weeks of this teaching cycle. I am thrilled because 1) it gives me more work, so I feel that I'm actually working, and not just part-timing it; and 2) it gives me a bigger paycheck, which we all know I need. I will be teaching another 201-level class, so no extra planning will be needed, really. Sweet.

I also was approached by my neighbor, who asked if I would give him private English lessons. Um, yes! We'll see how it goes; we should start on Tuesday.

And I am also continuing my salsa-dancing lessons. I love these classes! I'm in the beginner's class, but it's still such a blast! I am a dancing toothpick.

For anyone interested in the weather here, Cuenca has been remaining true to its word for being a rainy city. Six straight days of rain, and I was ready to pull my hair out. Yet, Friday cleared up and Saturday was absolutely gorgeous. How perfect; just in time for the weekend. Saturday was perhaps one of those every-once-in-a-while-oh-my-gosh-this-day-is-perfect days. After my morning class, some friends and I went to Parque Paraiso for a picnic and lots of walking. The park was full of happy and friendly people (and a dog who opted to swim with the ducks and swans in the lake.) Later, I met with a local friend and had a fabulous gabfest (one of my favorite things to do.) By 8pm, the rain had returned, but it was okay because I had a full day of fun in the sun. I headed to my amiga's house to meet up and head out yet again to a cafe for dinner. We ended up at a gringo place, but the food was tasty, the environment was cozy (we ate cuddled up next to a crackling fireplace; perfect for my wet shoes and socks!) and we met a traveller from the Bay Area of California. We got very chatty, and we all shared our experiences (travelling and otherwise. Our new friend mentioned the waterfalls in nearby Giron; something to definitely plan a daytrip for.) It was a great ending to a great day. Not to sound too cheesy. Maybe just a little.

In other good news, my grandmother is set to come back home on Thursday. EXCELLENT. I see a Skype date in my future.

I also hope I see a new place to live in the future. Not that I'm not satisfied living where I am, but it's not super-comfortable. And I'm thinking of staying here longer than a year, so I want to feel more at home in the place where I'm living. We'll see.

I check in on Facebook periodically to remind myself that other people are doing super-awesome things while I am as well. It's a bit strange and funny to read about friends who are still at my college, especially the ones who are Seniors and pursuing Honors Theses and such (ah, good times...) Actually, I was recently contacted by my 8th grade History teacher to write a little something for her current/future students. Just a little blurb about when we graduated from the 8th grade and what we're up to now. Kind of an inspirational thing. I think it's a wonderful idea, and I think the kids back in my hometown need it (it's not the brightest and happiest place in the world nowadays.) I am also writing a testimony for the scholarship I was awarded a couple of years ago...the one that made my current situation possible. I have so much gratitude for all of the people who made this possible. Ah, I'm getting all emotional again!

So to finish off this post, I will conclude with my recent "Oh wow, I'm in Cuenca" moments...I am determined to try my second trial of patacon-making, I continue to see how kick-ass the women are here (a group of men in hard hats and boots, laying in the grass in a circle, chit-chatting while two women paved the road next to them...hmm...machismo much?), I am keeping my eyes on the skies for incoming rain showers, I am practicing my Cuencana slang, and I witnessed a random parade again in the street.

I saw a man standing on the corner this morning. "You look so happy standing there," I told him. "Life is good," he tells me. My reply: "Isn't it though?"

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