Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Dedication to mi padre

My father's birthday is tomorrow, October 9th. That's also a significant date in Ecuador's history (the port city of Guayaquil's independence.) What do you do for your old man when you're in a foreign country, mailing/shipping anything takes what seems like forever, and uh...you're broke?

I guess you try to Skype him and tell him how much you love him and thank him immensely for helping you reach for your dreams. I can't recall a time when he discouraged me from pursuing my interests, even when I declared myself an Art major in college. He was there to help me when I was flunking math, he was there to drive me to dance class (and go to my recitals) and he was there to stand there perplexed when I went through an awkward teenage phase. He took me to get my braces and afterwards took me to Boston Market. He repeatedly ok'd spur-of-the-moment sleepovers with my childhood friends. He caught me getting lip action in the first grade in his basement and didn't freak out (at least not in front of me.)

He's a wonderful, super-cool, incredible dad who sacrifices so much for me. I'm thankful that I can call him my dad, and I hope that I live up to his expectations for me. I miss him a lot, and I hope that he realizes that I wouldn't be where I am or doing what I'm doing if it weren't for him. Te amo, papa!

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