Friday, September 19, 2014


-Did you know that seahorses are very poor swimmers? I'm among friends.
-Seahorses swim upright.
-Seahorses will court each other before breeding.
-They can change color very quickly to match their surroundings.

They flit about, up and down. Bobbing along, dusk to dawn.
I want to join the seahorses; I want to hug their necks and let them
carry me through the strange new world.
The seahorses are tiny, but I can get tiny, too. I can make myself smaller;
ever smaller. I'm a speck, I'm a bit of dust! I can trail along with the seahorses.
We'll be a little family gang.
Yellow, green, blue, and violet.
Indigo, red, orange, pink.
They are like mobile coral reefs; they are upper-class seaweed.
Oceanic ferns with trumpet noses. If I delve into the depths of the sea,
will I hear their siren song? With chests puffed out, and tails curlicued,
and papery skin stretched taut over bones; they are like delicate flowers.
Flowers that swim! They will teach me to maneuver the blue expanse
of vast wetness. My fear will dwindle and be smaller than seahorse bones.
And even more fragile. Together, we will break the wall of terror that pervades
my mind. Just like water, the fear will drip and trickle, then gush away.
I am free! I am with the seahorses, patiently floating; the marine life washing
around me. I am not drowning, I am buoyed by the seahorses. I hear their song.
I open my mouth; I breathe in life. I exhale and the bubbles surround us.
We flit about, up and down. Bobbing along, dusk to dawn. Together we
navigate the paths; together we are a colorful breeze passing through.  

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