Thursday, December 12, 2013

December Update

Well, what a whirlwind! Even though the teaching cycle is over, I feel more busy than ever, but mostly in a good way (it’s no fun having too much free time to just wander aimlessly.)

I have picked up 4 tutorials for this break between cycles (although I think some of them might have to extend longer than that.) I work from 7am-12:30pm, and then again from 3-5pm. At first, I was nervous about starting work so early in the morning, but it’s really not that bad! It helps that I’m a morning person, but it’s nice to bang out those tutorials in the morning and then break for lunch. Then work from 3-5pm, and that’s a 15-hour tutorial, so it will last a little longer than a week. And lastly, it’s an extra paycheck.

I had a Skype interview with a program in South Korea to teach English. Wow! I am actually thinking of staying in Cuenca for a bit longer than June 2014, but the schools in South Korea have openings every month, so it’s not as if I have a deadline to get there. One thing at a time, I suppose.

I recently arrived back in Cuenca from a trip to Peru. It was wonderful, and I got some nice R&R. I also met some new friends and was able to just forget about everything for a few days. We all stayed in a beach house that was on a private section of beach in Ñuro, about a half hour from Mancora. The days were spent taking long strolls along the beach, collecting shells, finishing The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo series (fabulous) and chatting with friends. I was also sure to pick up the ceviche recipe that was prepared for us, so my friends could enjoy it back in Cuenca (although the fresh seafood of Peru’s coast will be hard to replicate.) There was also a dog there, Prince (although she was female,) with whom I fell in love with.

And now, I am back in Cuenca. I must say, I am happy to be back here. It just feels like home, and the people are so friendly and inviting. There is a sense of community here, and I can’t help but notice how important family is…I often see siblings or children and parents walking along the streets hand-in-hand or with their shoulders around each other. I love that.

With all of these explorations, I am forgetting that it is almost time for Christmas. It’s nice not to be in that holiday rush…in fact, I often just bask in sunshine! But the holiday decorations have been put up throughout the city, and while there may be a few Santa Clauses, it’s mostly floral motifs and nativity scenes. That’s a welcome change from back home.

Speaking of nativity scenes and Christmas, I am beginning to explore my faith more. As of right now, I don’t associate with a religion, but I do believe in a higher power. I have felt some sort of absence in my life lately, and it has been suggested that maybe I delve into religion. So, little by little, I am trying to discover how to fill the gap in my life. It’s overwhelming and will take a while, but I think this is a good thing.

Happiness to all! J

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