Sunday, December 1, 2013

A Cuencan Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving to all my gringo friends (even if I’m a bit late.) It’s still strange to be heading into the holiday season when the temperatures are in the 60s, there’s no forecast for snow, and I’m not being bombarded with advertisements urging me to buy! buy! buy! I have taken refuge from Black Friday, finally!

With most of the teachers at my school being from the USA, we all got together on Thursday for a Thanksgiving potluck. And with my lack of cooking skills, I opted to whip up a guacamole for the occasion. Okay, not very Thanksgiving-y, but it’s something I could manage. Guacamole is cheap, easy, and deelish!

And it pleased the others, even if it wasn’t as satisfying as the other dishes…vegetarian stuffing, honey-glazed carrots, several potato dishes (hey, it’s Ecuador AND Thanksgiving…carb it up!), roasted vegetables, rice, fruit salad, a chicken, and a few other dishes. There was a Latin-American flavor with some tostones, my guacamole and market-bought tortilla de choclo, and some sweets from a panaderia. It was a very good day, and in true Thanksgiving fashion, we all ate up!
Besides the food, it was great to just be with good people. The vibe was friendly and warm (like the outside temperature.) A good time was had by all, and I am thankful for the two ladies who hosted the get-together.
As I count my blessings, I realize what great friends I have here. Especially the group of friends I’ve got helping me through some rough spots. As I face these difficulties, I have become aware that there is a hole in my life…what it’s supposed to be filled with, I’m not entirely sure, but I am beginning to embrace and explore faith. We’ll see how this goes.

Be thankful for what you have, because you always have more than someone else. The good times are great, but they don’t last, so cherish the moment and don’t be shattered when it ends. Same with the bad moments; they don’t last forever, and it’s almost never as bad as we make it out to be. Anyway, the bad moments usually end up taking us somewhere…and sometimes that somewhere can be a very good place.

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