Monday, September 2, 2013

3 Continents Later...

Today is Labor Day. That seems fitting. I feel as if I've had a laborous day, although I was sitting on my butt most of the time. I just got through 27 hours of travelling, and actually, I'm still not quite done. I'm sitting in the airport in Cuenca, Ecuador, just chilling out until noon, when I can check-in at my hostel. It's chilly here (in the 40s) but the people are warm. I'm in Cuenca, I can feel it.

I've just gone through 3 continents in a matter of hours. Whoa. Left from Barcelona at 7am (Spanish time) Sunday morning, landed in Miami 10 hours later. Layover there for about 3 hours, then about a 5 hour flight to Quito, landing there at 10:30pm (Ecuador time.) Layover overnight, and a flight at 6:15am, landing in Cuenca a little after 7am, and somehow it's Monday morning (I think.)

I slept only about 3 hours this whole time, yet I'm pretty awake. I think I'm running off of excitement right now. Show me a bed and I'll crash! But the Universe works in odd ways, and I think it brought something to me during this travelling adventure...

I met this guy in the airport. He was about my dad's age, and this wasn't a creepy thing or anything like that. He was very kind and we were on the same flight to Miami. We got to talking, and found we had interests in spirituality and paying attention to the Self and all that. We had different seats on the plane, yet the one empty seat was next to me, so he took it. Coincidence? My gut wants to tell me otherwise.

Long story short, he talked a lot and I listened a lot, but he didn't talk at me, he talked with me. He asked me my opinion on things, my feedback, and my experiences. He also shared his. He told me lots of "adult" things that my parents wouldn't tell me, but that are good to know. I learned a lot, but he also learned; it was a two-way thing. I didn't feel like a child, I felt treated as an adult. A 10-hour flight was never more enjoyable or quick for me, and that was the highlight of my airport excursion.

I met some nice folks in the airport in Quito heading to Cuenca. They were older, and one of them was coming here to retire! And, he was coming from Hawaii! So...if that's the case, Cuenca must be pretty kick-ass, eh?

I've gotten 3 hours of sleep in the last 48 hours, but I'm not very tired. I just feel very excited. Of course, I'll see a bed, and I'll just go die for a bit. It's just that something in my gut is teling me that I'm moving in the right direction. Things just feel right. THINGS JUST FEEL RIGHT. Huh, this sounds like the Universe working something up...

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