Monday, August 5, 2013

El primer dia

The first day of classes. Wow. I'm beat. It's pretty intense, with the school day starting by 10am and ending around 7:30-8:00pm. Lots of information today, and it's kind of a whirlwind! But in a good way. I've already learned so much!

First, we all introduced ourselves, and there were so many different accents going on that I almost forgot I was in Spain. There are a handful of people from the US, lots from the UK, and a sprinkling of other fun nationalities...Algeria, Romania, Catalonia, Turkey...Very interesting to learn British slang and pronounciation. Try saying "neighborhood" the British way and the American way. It's really funny how the same words can sound so different. Sometimes, I have to ask my classmates from the UK to repeat themselves, even when they're speaking English to me! I guess us Americans can sound funny to them as I teach my future students to pronounce water my way (wooder)? Represent, Philly.

After introductions, we had to give a mini-lesson on whatever we wanted. I chose to give a lesson on deep breathing. I am now referred to as the kind-of-hippie-girl who practices yoga and meditation. And hey, I'm totally cool with that! I also met a fellow classmate who taught English in Ecuador last year! Very exciting; a different area than me, but she loved it, which makes me very eager for my journey!

Later in the day, we observed two teachers in their classes, and I learned a lot just watching two classes today. I enjoyed sitting in on the classes and watching how the teachers engaged with their students. Still, it will be terrifying to do it myself, but that's what I'm here for!

Class today was followed by FREE TAPAS. Um...yes. Please. I was very happy with that. Patatas bravas, tortilla de patata, pan con tomate...and more. Yum yum yum. Can't turn down free food. Especially free Spanish food.

I am exhausted after today. Even so, it was a good day, and I like my group of classmates. Always a good sign.

Well, bona nit. It's time to call it a night (although it's early by catalan standards, 11pm)

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