Thursday, July 18, 2013


I feel light as a feather! Good news all the way.

I got word back from the Consulate that my visa application has been APPROVED and is ready for pick-up! Just need to get to NYC to retrieve it. Another day trip is calling.

Also, I received important documents from the CEDEI, where I will be teaching in September. In Ecuador! This makes it feel more real, but of course I won't fully believe it until I'm actually teaching.

Also getting in touch with other teachers who are coming to Cuenca as well. One's from New Jersey, and there's another from York, PA. Funny, we are travelling to another continent to meet people who live in the same (or neighboring) state. There's also someone from England, which is exciting because I want to learn about as many cultures as I can. And I am on a roommate search...

I am getting more invested in my artwork as well. Always a good thing! I just finished a drawing that I like a lot, I posted it on my "Artwork" page. It was an exploration in our basic human drives; the Id, if you will.

My dad, being my dad, scheduled an impromptu rendevous to Wildwood, NJ for this coming Tuesday and Wednesday. Of course I'm down for it! It's just that my sister works a crazy schedule as a waitress, and since my dad scheduled last minute (like he always does), she probably can't go. Then, my dad said he'd just cancel the reservation, to which I strongly objected. So, as of now, we're still going, but knowing him, who knows?

I do know that on Saturday I have a much-anticipated date with my mom and her boyfriend, Don. He's awesome. I'll save my gushing for later, but we're planning on hitting up the Poconos for a day-trip. Hopefully, the weather won't be atrocious (there are thunderstorms in Saturday's forecast), but either way, we'll find an alternative. I've been bothering my mom for a long time about the three of us getting together. She should relish the fact that I strongly approve of her boyfriend, and actually want to hang out with my mother!

Someone I am always in the mood to hang out with is the amazing Tanya. She's my best friend, and I don't use that title loosely. I haven't had a friend like her in...jeez, a long time. I like to think our souls were just meant to be close friends. Hopefully seeing her next week as well.

The days are winding down to when I hit the skies for Spain, and then Ecuador. So, I'm going to make them fantastic! Yet, I should have this outlook every day, not just in this special circumstance. Every day gives us the opportunity to enjoy life; to bask in the pleasures of family, friends, pets, and even complete strangers. To appreciate the beauty of nature, which is free (!), and to reflect on what truly makes us happy. Material goods cannot bring the same joy as sitting beneath a shady tree, listening to birds, or feeling the breeze on your face. Too hippie for you? Good. We all need that.


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